Blue Lotus Coaching
Anne Anuradha
Soul Power Guide

— Safety & Disclosure —
It is a great blessing of our times that some of us have access to all kinds of wonderful and powerful inner work from the safety of our own space and that connections and support can happen instantly across the globe.
We can honor our natural human capacity for spirituality and mystical experience and participate in the world—no longer an either/or choice (monastic or worldly).
As a practitioner who offers work over zoom, I hold the issue of safety and inner work in this context with care. While my work does not involve sacred medicines or psychedelics or any substances, expanded states of awareness may occur. I am inspired by Kylea Taylor's work addressing InnerEthics® in response to the transformational inner work experiences that have become more available in our times.
Any work that we do together would fall in the realm of “alternative” or “complementary” or “spiritual.” Also, I'd like to clarify that I am not a licensed mental health professional (such as a psychologist or psychiatrist) and medical, legal or financial advice is outside of the scope of what I am qualified to offer. If you have questions, please do ask, I will be putting together additional information (some in response to questions).

My path
I am, at times, asked about my path. The themes below share a bit from the layer of the explorations and studies.
Finding ways to be with my own unfolding and finding language, when possible, to articulate it is and was a part of my path. Being deeply present to the experiences of the people I work with and having language, when needed, to support the experience is also a part of my path.
Listing the meals (or sources and stops on my path) is simply not the same as even a picture of one delightful meal. In the months to come, my intent is to offer articles, videos and add curated links to resources for a few of these themes to bring through some of the fruits, nourishment and richness of the path.

​Systemic Family Constellations
Participant since 2009 • In-person Certification + practice sessions 1-year in 2014 • Online 650+ hours trainings with several senior facilitators from around the world & online peer practice groups 2020-2022 • Offer one-on-one & some group work since 2020.
“You are the dream of all your ancestors.” —Bert Hellinger
Hypnotherapy & Past Life Regression
Participant in Guided Visualization and inner imagery-based meditations 5+ years prior to receiving hypnotherapy sessions in 2009 • Certification + peer practice 2010 • Offered in person hypnotherapy (for inner journeys) until early 2020 - WA State Registered Hypnotherapist HP60624192 • Online Hypno-Constellations™ Certification 2020 + peer practice • Integrated online Hypnotherapy into offering starting 2020.
Inner journey - my offering of hypnotherapy is not script or reprogramming oriented.
Past Life Regression - for some people the idea of Past Lives deeply resonates and can be a rich way to explore. For others, information may arrive in other ways or past lives can be considered as energetic influences or karmic residue from the collective or ancestral.
“To be human is to become visible while carrying what is hidden
as a gift to others.
To remember the other world in this world is to live in your true inheritance.”
― David Whyte
Personal & Life Transition Coaching
Participant in Centerpoint Life Transition Retreat in 1996 • Many workshops including ones related to midlife through Seattle Jung Society • LifeForward™ & ICF Accredited Coaching Certification Hudson Institute, Santa Barbara 2002–2003 • Offered in person/phone coaching from my Seattle (Good Shepherd Center) Healing studio • MBTI® & MBTI II through CAPT 2007 • Coaching from the Gestalt Perspective Weekend 2014 • Received supervision & participated in Gestalt Study Group 2020-21 • Hoffman Essentials Weekend Virtual 2021.
“Your great mistake is to act...as if you were alone....”― David Whyte
Inner Child Work
Participant, guide and witness to years of process work addressing the inner child (and other inner parts) using variety of modalities including EFT, Holotropic Breathwork®, Hypnotherapy, dreams & family constellations • Stan Grof's birth perinatal matrices 2010 • Diane Poole Heller's Online Attachment Mastery 2014 • Inner Child Training 2021 • Attachment & 1 year Bodynamic Somatic Developmental Psychology Foundation 2021-22.
“All happenings needed to be; accept that, my dear. ”—Hafiz
Astrology & Other Intuitive Arts
For clients who have an interest, archetypes from astrology and soul direction (north and south nodes) are included in my work • Astrologer Steven Forrest's Sky Within report • Chandra degree symbols • Tarot explorations - Symbolon was my first deck with astrology and archetypal/fairytale motifs • Through East West Bookshop in Seattle experienced a variety of practitioners, readings and healing possibilities over a decade and a half including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) • SRT Energy Clearing Advanced Training in 2018 • Chakra explorations.
Integration — Breathwork & Other
In-person Holotropic Breathwork® is resuming around the globe after the pandemic and I offer online integration support for non-ordinary expanded states.
“...memories of emotional and physical experiences are stored in the psyche not as isolated bits and pieces but in the form of complex constellations, which I call COEX systems...systems of condensed experience....” —Stan Grof
Holotropic Breathwork® Apprentice-facilitator at Breathwork Northwest 2010-2013 • Certified in HB & Transpersonal Psychology through Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT) 2010-2013 • Co-organizer and a facilitator at Stan Grof and Tav Sparks in Seattle 2013 • HB Continuing Education modules: Jai Uttal's Kirtan 2015 & apprentice-facilitator at Inner Ethics® & SoulCollage® module 2019 • Supported or participated in GTT online educational modules during pandemic — Spiritual Emergency: Embracing Unexpected Transformation, Art & Practice of Integration, SoulCollage®• NeuroDynamic Breathwork Facilitator Training — Inner Work Track Instructor
My previous experience with the work of Jung and Jungian-oriented ways of being with dreams and other emerging material from the psyche was foundational and a deep support with the integration process for breathwork.
Sacred Enneagram & Essence Work
Over two decades since discovering Facets of Unity (a book about the Sacred Enneagram) and the writing (including rich web glossary) of AH Almaas • Other books offering teachings on the Sacred Enneagram (Maitri, Hey) and videos (Faisal Muqaddam) • During the pandemic, the rich blessing of the fragrance of the field of essence work through some of Vedanta's (founder of Power of Light & Diamond Logos Teacher) offerings • Online studies Keys to the Enneagram and more.
“...to try to disidentify from the personality and live from a transcendent identity is to leave the very ground of the reality that was never truly separate from personality.”― Almaas
I've also studied the Enneagram of personality through classes & books participated for a decade in a now defunct Enneagram Discussion Board • Certified Enneagram Trainer & Coach through the School of Conscious Living 2020-21, 2023 • Taught 6-session online Enneagram class 2019.
Spiral Dynamics
Encountered this body of work over a decade ago and my path has included Certification through ValueMatch 2020-21 • Deb Ooten (School of Conscious Living) included her synthesis of the Enneagram & Spiral Dynamics in her certification training.
Devotional & Creative Process
Personal practices (such as altars, mindful attention, conscious food, process art, chanting) have come into the foreground for periods of time — sometimes for years • Mystical poetry of Rumi • Dances of Universal Peace • SoulCollage® Facilitator Training 2020 • SoulCollage® Modules 2019 & 2022 — Grof Transpersonal Training..

Thank you for visiting
My life path, for over 25 years, has included a dedication to the inner journey and I hold deep respect for those who may feel called to do inner work—out of necessity or choice.
Toward the start of the pandemic, following an inner guidance to make an offering, a new chapter began in 2020—an online expression for my practice.
During the last few years, the blessing of working online with people around the world has been woven into my life; in addition to offering hundreds of one-on-one sessions (using zoom) I've also facilitated online group work.
Previously, I had a small professional practice, since 2003, offering mostly in person services at my own and shared healing studio spaces that evolved over time.
In June 2022, my website was updated to reflect my online services. There‘s more to come that is still being incubated. I look forward to the possibility and blessing of my work continuing to take form and be of service in the coming months, years and perhaps even decades ahead.
“When your eyes really see a rose or an anemone the whole wheeling universe tears up.” —Rumi
In my sessions, I hold sacred space for soul work, a space of deep relaxation to journey within. In the field that we co-create and experience, guidance and wisdom and other support may appear. Sometimes, we might use a specific modality to journey together. The experience can, at times, feel as if we are simultaneously conscious and awake and also in a dream or expanded non-ordinary state. Each person, each session, and each topic we explore is unique and we may work with different approaches and modalities.
“...every method is organic to a
particular situation,
and to a particular mind,
and to a particular [hu]man.” —Osho
“The shoe that fits one person pinches another;
there is no recipe for living that suits all....”
My offering represents a personal synthesis (perennial wisdom as it comes through me—informed and, at times, colored by, shaped and structured by my life experience, teachings and perspectives I have studied or encountered along my path).
The space I hold includes and honors the mystical or direct experience and spiritual dimension even if we don't speak about it. You don't have to believe or not believe in something to do this work (it is a felt experience similar to our innate capacity for deeper breathing that occurs when we are at ease and the air feels clean). The inner journey or inner work is connected to and supports how we are and how we show up in the world—sometimes right away or as we integrate what has come up.
Personal background
Since 1984, the Pacific Northwest of the US (Seattle & Lake Chelan) has been my home. My childhood years, birth until age 18, were in South India. I've had occasion to experience a few other cultures, as well.
Although personal development, Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator® (through which I later discovered the work of CG Jung) and therapy were a part of my 20s, it wasn't until age 30 that a significant shift began. Looking back, this was the start of soul work becoming central. It was as if a thread from childhood—when drawing on spiritual support came naturally—had resurfaced.
In my early 30s, living close to the Jung Society in Seattle opened a flow of rich material (teachers, workshops, new ideas and ways to be in community) and also room to participate and contribute including serving as the newsletter editor. And although I don't have children, my dream life at that time included an inner child part of me that had come knocking. Shadow work, maintaining a dream journal, creativity as a form of inner work, Inner Child and Inner Critic work and so on were seeded during these years.
Two books ushered in the next phase—one was the translation of an esoteric Taoist meditation text for which CG Jung had written a commentary and the other was a Sacred Enneagram book (Facets of Unity) by AH Almaas, co-originator of the Diamond Approach. Both had a powerful effect when I first encountered them. One book brought awareness to breath and awakening the body and the other was the blessing of a transmission about (my) personality structure and non-dual states.
“The wound is the place where
the light enters you.” —Rumi
From this point, I was guided on a healing journey in the two decades that followed (many workshops, the poetry of Rumi, Dances of Universal Peace, Holotropic Breathwork®, Family Constellations, work with many different practitioners/healers/facilitators, inner experiences, dreams and synchronicity, experiential study and certifications in several modalities). Serving others along the way and doing my own work as a new way to be birthed and rooted in me.
These last few years opened an online portal to connect with people around the globe (with travel being impossible). Unexpected access to a cornucopia of wonderful teachers and teachings along with my own work coming to fruition (through the blessing of serving clients over zoom from North America, the Middle East & Asia, Europe and Australia) has brought me here.
“It is not about who will win the war. It is about who can win the peace with dignity and mutual connection so we can create a better future for coming generations.”
—Ditte Marcher (Bodynamic)
This work is very dear to my heart. While my personal unfolding continues, I am blessed with a sense of deep support to serve others who are called to do this work.
“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”
My work life includes a lengthy career in tech (I studied Mathematics at University) and a life chapter co-creating a “mom and pop” local eatery in this small lake town with my life partner.
Grateful for all this and more
the miracle of existence with its beauty, joy and wonderment (while holding with dignity hardship, suffering and brokenness)
receiving the gift of life and survival thanks to my parents, grandparents, extended family, ancestors and the collective
sharing this life with my beloved partner and our animal family on this land with its history, the spacious holding and rugged natural beauty and the blessing of garden bounty
for the many beings who are or have been a part of co-creating my experience of life and much gratitude for those whose path has, in some way, made this expression of my offering possible